Wednesday, November 7, 2018

"Small Girl Saves Show" "Romance a Shit"

How do I properly access a show that bases its central plot around a romance with no meaning? The show's romantic elements were never its selling point and the characters are never going to progress in any meaningful way and you can kinda get that just from how its framed. Is it okay for me to get angry at the lack of any romantic progress? Should I allow myself to get angry at the lacking progression? I always find myself watching these romantic comedy anime that I know won't deliver on the goods but goddamn it I can't help but want to see some actual romance happen.

Engaged to the Unidentified is another "It's fine" romcom anime that uses the aforementioned pointless romantic set-up to justify the characters being together and while I'm used to this I'm not okay with it. There's a certain kind of anger arises within me when I see a pair of characters experience romantic tension just for the show to almost immediately return to its comedic tone to tease the viewer. Its not that I even find the romance engaging or that I care if it ever progresses in any manner, Its the fact that the narrative thinks it can have it cake and eat it too that makes me livid.

Engaged to the Unidentified has this hilarious conflict of interest within the confines of it narrative where obviously the plot is set up to be this romance between the Female and Male interest but ends up never focusing on them because they are the story's most uninteresting characters and to focus on them is to make the story a boring slog with no energy.

The only thing that keeps Engaged to the Unidentified from being a pain to watch is its actual main character: the character Mashiro and studios Doga Kobo immaculate ability to produce a consistently pleasant atmosphere with their presentation. If not for these factors this show would of went from a 6/10 to a 3/10.

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